Bulldogs Puppies – Puppy Love

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Top Facts about Bulldogs
1) Bulldog puppies love to run and play but can be very sensitive to heat due to their short faces. Walk your puppy in the early morning or evening when the weather is hot.
2) Bulldog puppies eat everything and sometimes do not chew before swallowing. Avoid feeding your Bulldog puppy hard treats such as rawhide or bones to prevent choking.
3) Bulldogs are are very loyal to their families and love to be inside the house. Allow your Bulldog inside the house and be apart of your family.
4) Bulldogs snore a lot and love to cuddle with soft blankets.
5) Bulldogs love to eat and think about food all the time! Watch your Bulldog’s food portions carefully so they don’t get fat.

For more information, contact Amber Morgan with Da Kine Bulldogs
at: www.dakinebulldogs.com

Segment Producer: Brian Scully
Editor: Jeremy Cohen

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  • Categories: Lab Puppy

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