Bull Terrier puppies at the Four HorseMen Kennel

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Tel: 0744-775263. Vizitati: http://4horsemenkennel.com/bull_terrier_puppies.html

Canisa Four HorseMen vinde pui bull terrier din parinti campioni, cu linii genetice deosebite si temperament echilibrat, ideali pentru companie sau expozitii.
Puii sunt deparazitati, vaccinati, au carnet de sanatate, pedigree, microcip si carnet de performanta. Oferim posibilitatea transportului la domiciliu.

Informatii pe:
Tel: 0744-775263 Mail: kennel4horsemen@yahoo.com

Bull Terrier puppies are available for sale at the Four HorseMen Kennel only for good and responsible homes.
Please visit our web page at:
Breeding for temperament and quality!

Mail: kennel4horsemen@yahoo.com

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  • Categories: Lab Puppies

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