10 Puppies Orphaned After Losing Mom Are Hand-Raised by Rescuers

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PAWsitive Channel and Doggie Protective Services team up to bring a crazy cute, aww inspired story for your day.

It is a miracle for a stray momma dog to give birth to a few pups and for them to survive a life on the streets. For these pups, their mom gave birth to eleven pups, keeping them alive for as long as she could. For reasons unclear to the animal rescuers, their mom died. Her pups were only a couple weeks old. Soon after, one of her pups died too. Doggie Protective Services (DPS) immediately stepped in and took it upon themselves to hand rear the ten pups themselves. The babies could have ended up at a local Los Angeles city or county shelter but DPS knew without proper care their chance of survival was slim to none.

Imagine having to wake up every 4 – 6 hours to feed one baby. Now imagine ten! It’s a lot of work, wrapped up in bundles of warm fur. The rescuers are nothing short of selfless heroes.

Since filming, all ten pups have gone home to their forever homes.

If you can, please donate $5 to DPS and help their cause of rescuing dogs and cats:

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DPS on Facebook:
Twitter: @DPSRescue

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Director: Hai-Lam Phan
Producer: Dawn Poomee

Creative Commons Attribution music by Chris Zabriskie
The songs were not modified in any way.
“Prelude No. 16″ by Chris Zabriskie

End card music provided by:
“Prelude No. 6″ by Chris Zabriskie
Find more of Chris’s music here: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward
The songs were not modified in any way.
“Crazy Glue” (Instrumental) by Josh Woodward.
Free download: http://joshwoodward.com/song/CrazyGlue
Find more of Josh’s music here: http://www.joshwoodward.com

To see the full Creative Commons License:

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