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Our 10-month old Bengal cat licking our two-month old Lab. The puppy is the dirtiest thing the cat’s ever seen and can’t wait each evening to lick him clean. This shows a fun retriever drill you can use in a park with the Thunder 100 retriever launcher. These drills in a park can get your dog used to seeing concepts of doing a blind, even through the excitement of gunshot and a double being shot. Sometimes you can’t always get into hunting environments but you still want to practice retrieving concepts and this gives you the capabilities to do that with the Thunder 100. http To become a franchise see:

to all of you that have seen the video “yellow lab puppy” this is him now at 9 months doing his tricks… checkhim out… Fred Hassen goes over some puppy sit whistle and marking drills that he uses to move his dog around and make things clearer using the Sit Means Sit remote dog training system. Daily training video at