Honey an 11 year old Labrador with arthritis in her back legs and severe Joint Pain, struggles to stand up and walk. After 3 months on ChondroPaw she not only gets up but runs!. Watch before and after video.
In this video I show how I shoot marks by myself and have the dog return to a remote placeboard. There are many things that you can do with your Labrador Retriever if you can move him around remotely. The tools used in this video are a Retriev-r-trainer launcher, a placeboard and the Sit Means Sit remote dog training collar that can be found only at www.sitmeanssit.com
Chiots de Bering de la Tour farmina et de Victory de planchevienne nés le 12/02/2008
retrouvez nos chiens sur :
hippo 1 an et demi cherche femelle pour decouvrir les joie de l’amour(soi labrador ou malinoise)
51100 reims amandine.lin@hotmail.fr
Follies Labrador Retrievers, Follies Valentino a.k.a. Sulo.