Labrador Retrievers

Le grand fou-fou normand qui ne se plait que dans l’eau…à pêcher des cailloux, quel chien adorable! Le meilleur ami de l’homme…

Please watch in HD!! Max (“Aramis vom Mühlenwald”) is the adorable Labrador of my friend. He’s very powerful, cute and smart :) Today he turns 2 years old, s…

“CHECK US OUT AT”: The Labrador Retriever Dog Breed – V I P Pet Care! We as pet owners understand that your pet is one of th…

Toddler gets licked by sweet and gentle yellow lab- VERY CUTE!

“Exposição de Cães” “Show Dogs” “Show Dog” “Kennel Club” “Dog Show” “Royal Canin””Best In Show (film)” “(Animal Breed)” “Breed (Organism Classification Rank)…