Labrador Retrievers

Océane hoche de la tête pour dire oui, lorsqu’on lui propose une petite friandise

Clef 是一頭純種拉布拉多,八星期大開始訓練,很懂人性,並且很受鄰居和小朋友歡迎,强項是尋找及追回擲出的皮球,驅趕後園的松鼠、浣熊和不速之客。!/pages/Diamond-Bar-Kennel/159898480725973. In todays video I show how to implement a 2nd hoop. Me and my Black Labrador Retriever ‘Kohl’ who was born 4 and is 8 1/2 months old at the time of this video.

Labrador qui danse le Merengue. Très doué !!!!