Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retriever is the #1 most favorite breed of all time. This is a perfect dog for family, they have a high intelligence to make them faster receiving training, a high loyalty, and really nice to everyone. For more Information about how to train a Rottweiler check: Find us also on : Facebook Facebook page Twitter Google+ Pinterest

A tribute to my friend “Trixer” a black Labrador Retriever. Her love, friendship and unwaivering devotion were always abundant and will be forever missed around my home. – Song Title: Pearl’s Song; from the Bressler Brothers CD “Taste of Life”.

Robert Milner’s DuckHill Kennels presents its Puppy Headstart Program based on 100% positive reinforcement. Give your puppy a strong head start toward reaching his maximum potential.

Short Training Video of our dog in Germany