Labrador Retrievers

兎に角プロジェクトOfficial Site→ 下半身麻痺+腎臓病:ラブラドールレトリバーのララ13歳(雌)です。 寝起きですので、茶目を…

8 month old female started Labrador Retriever from Swamp Creek Retrievers. Be sure to subscribe to our channel, rate video, and leave comments or questions. This is some video of my first AKC Junior Hunt test with ‘Charger’. Charger is a 14 month old Black Labrador Retriever, had a great time and loved the event. The first two are land marks and that is followed by 2 water marks.

here in this video you can see my little son playing with his big black Labrador retriever KOLUR who is your best friend. you can appreciate the kindness and gentle they are the breed and temperament, Search and rescue dog…aqui en este video se puede apreciar a mi pequeno hijo jugando con su enorme labrador retriever negro KOLUR quien es su mejor amigo. se puede apreciar la amabilidad y gentil que son esta raza y su temperamento, perro de busqueda y rescate

Chocolate Labrador Retriever Cachorro – Chocolate Labrador Retriever Puppies ( Puppy ) – Animales De 5 Meses Y Menos HD El Labrador retriever —también conoci…