Watch a Boxer named JuneBug and her playful 2 week old Boxer puppies.This video is part of a playlist of 19 videos showing the birth of the puppies through their age of 8 weeks!
This dog birth and development of this Boxer breed is similar to dogs such as Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese,Schnauzer, Irish Setter, Westie Terrier, Corgi, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Poodle, Beagle, Bichon, Beagle, Shih Tzu, Collie, German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Pug, Whippet, Chihuahua, Dachshund, BullDog , Pomeranians, Rottweilers, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, and French Bulldog.
yt:quality=high, Dogs, Labor, Delivery, Whelp, Whelping, Beagle,Schnauzer, Ir…,born,
Babies playing with puppies is so adorable! Babies and puppies that play together stay together!
The most beloved pets always please our eyes)))
What a crazy run arranged a dog named Knop))) And the little terers already at such an early age show their fighting character)
Adorable footage, filmed in Australia, of tiny pug puppies suckling on their worn out mother.