[Otis] Videos

ON SALE MARCH 12, 2013

Otis and his farm friends love to play hide-and-seek. Otis especially loves to be “It,” finding his friends as they hide. Yet when the newest addition to the farm—a bounding puppy who can’t sit still and has a habit of licking faces—tries to hide, he finds his attention wandering and is soon lost in the forest. Night falls and Otis, knowing his new friend is afraid of the dark, sets out to find him. There’s just one problem: Otis is also afraid of the dark. His friend is alone and in need, though, so Otis takes a deep breath, counts to ten, and sets off on a different game of hide-and-seek.

AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/Otis-Puppy-Loren-Long/dp/0399254692/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359398157&sr=8-1&keywords=otis+and+the+puppy

BARNES AND NOBLE: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/otis-and-the-puppy-loren-long/1111880709?ean=9780399254697&itm=1&usri=otis+and+the+puppy

INDIEBOUND: http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780399254697

Pet adoption expert Michelle Otis discusses if you should adopt a puppy or a dog.