[Love] Videos

I love playing with the puppies! They have so much energy. I am not training them to eat shoes, but I think they will be good at it! Thanks for Watching!

This are the reasons why i love labrador retrievers so much: – they´re friendly -they´re cute -they´re full of power -they´re handsome -they´re good at agility -they love playing -they love running -they´re PERFECT!!!!!! only perfect!

Chocolate lab and white lab are best friends

A tribute to my friend “Trixer” a black Labrador Retriever. Her love, friendship and unwaivering devotion were always abundant and will be forever missed around my home. – Song Title: Pearl’s Song; from the Bressler Brothers CD “Taste of Life”.

These confused Corgis have no clue what to think here! I love how the one in the back wants to get in on the action.