[Labrador Training] Videos

When I read up on it, using a clicker sounded easy. Maybe someone can help me out in the comments. What should you do after the first sit, in order to be able to repeat the exercise? They are so cute!!! I seem a litle lost, don’t I? Thanks for watching!

puppy-obedience-training.net TheLabrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America. Labs are patient, affectionate and very loyal. Because of their intelligence, they are a top choice for anyone that need a service dog. Labs love to play in water and never give up on an opportunity to take a swim. Labrador Retriever are friendly with children which makes them a great pet dog. http

Boomer has some new tricks to show off. Among the newer ones are moonwalk and bow. I am currently trying to combine back, come, and twirl into one command: line dance.

CottonwoodRanchAndKennel.com Labrador Retriever Training with Ted Hoff “World Class Dog Trainer”. Trains Black Labrador Retriever, Mae. Great demonstration of obedience training. 97-921-7100

www.sitmeanssit.com This Dog Training video with Fred Hassen of “Sit Means Sit” dog training company in Las Vegas Nevada, is seen here with “Sara”. “Sara” is a Labrador Retriever trained from a puppy with a remote dog training collar using the Sit Means Sit dog training system invented…