[Labrador Training] Videos

www.sitmeanssit.com This is an additional pile drill that I use that I call “Pile Drill with No Pile”. Normally a pile of bumpers is placed out for the dog to retrieve one at a time. The pile drill is a very good drill and one that certainly should not be omitted. This is an extra drill that I use to get the dog used to retrieving and taking direction with a bumper in his mouth to build more focus to task and to aid in his handling. The training that is done that leads up to this point is done with additional remote retrieve, and remote drop and pick up drills added to the mix.

CottonwoodRanchAndKennel.com Waterfowl Retriever Training at the Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel located on the western slope of Colorado. Ted Hoff owner and trainer of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel and the Cottonwood Hunt Club is training Mae the Black Labrador Retriever at the pond located on the ranch. Waterfowl retriever training.

www.sitmeanssit.com Practicing a drill with both our 5 year old dog, and our 9 1 month old dog. Both dogs are Black Labrador Retrievers.

http://www.dogtrasales.com/ These Dogtra remote trainers are designed for all type of dogs including, hounds and beagles, obedience/companion dogs, waterfowl dogs, pointer dogs, flushing dogs, service and K-9 dogs,and much more. They are also perfect for anyone who needs a dependable long-range training collar to control a number of dogs in the field at once.

www.LabradorTrainingSecrets.com Click the link above to Learn how to train your labrador quickly and easily using a time tested and perfected formula, guaranteed! Instant download! This has been the Number 1 Dog Training And Behavior Site For Years. http