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Family Adopts Dog, 146-Pound Chocolate Lab. 10 Months Later, He Looks Completely Different

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THANK YOU…..!!!!

just another day with “that banjo song” on the record player.
it’s all about the kibble and the exhibitionism anyway.
this wasn’t in the shelter rescue agreement – i’m sure of it.
at least there wasn’t a costume involved; what am i a barbie?
supermodel yes. barbie, no.
you ask for your 15 minutes and what do you get?
a minute and a half plus change.
does anybody have Doris Day or Betty White’s cell number?
i need a new frisbee.
and that tunnel is from a garage sale.
“we” recently switched to a super economy vehicle.
that’s right. no room for me except in the back seat.
an escalade would be nice.
without the gate – i like to ride shotgun.
have you ever noticed that pugs look like babies and labs look like 5 year olds?
yup, that’s why they are sooo popular.
i’ve been bitten by a pug – and a lab – in the same year.
omg !
this isn’t my facebook page !
love alice

my first try at new editing software using any video clips i had available.

après-midi détente : dégustation de paquerettes et fleurs de pissenlits