vendre / For sale
Heart’s Desire’s Logan
British Shorthair
Mâle / Male
Brown Blotched tabby and White or Black Golden Blotched Tabby and Wite
° 04/05/2015
n° d’identification : 250269606428640
Pére / Father : Waitaiki von Grigoleit
Mére/Mother : Heart’s Desire’s I’m your Sunshine
Heart’s Desire’s Lanvin
N° d’identification : 250269606388485
British Shorthair
° 23/04/2015
Black silver blotched tabby & white
Waitaki von Grigoleit * Heart’s Desire’ s I’m your Angel
Heart’s Desire’s Liesl
n° identification : 250269606402398
British Shorthair
Black Silver Blotched tabby & white
Waitaki von Grigoleit * Heart’s Desire’s I’m your Angel
Heart’s Desire’s Loan
British Shorthair
Mâle / Male
Brown Spotted tabby and White or Black Golden spotted Tabby and Wite
° 04/05/2015
n° d’identification : 250269606427180
Pére / Father : Waitaiki von Grigoleit
Mére/Mother : Heart’s Desire’s I’m your Sunshine
Chocolate Lab Meets Vanilla Ice Cream Cone
Rotweiller and Labrador VS Golden Retriever and German Sherperd
AMAZONKA kennel present puppies of BELLEKAN RON COLA & HANNAH AMAZONKA . You see 1 male – WOKI Amazonka and 1 female – Watitpi Amazonka , 4 days old.