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This is my 11 month old Labrador Retriever ‘Charger’ on his very first time using a Bumperboy. The bumperboy is great because it allows me to be able to shoot multiple bumpers at a distance, in different directions, and am able to do it remotely with a handheld remote. The bumperboy is also rechargeable which I really like, because it’s one less thing that I have to keep going out and refilling with propane, and keeps the product as light as possible because we set up multiple units. The bumperboy also makes it feasible for my dog to get used to gunshot at the same time, and allows me to set my own training schedule without always needing the help of someone else. In this video, my 11 month old Black Labrador Retriever ‘Charger’ is getting his very first experience with the Bumperboy product, and I wanted to always have it on film to keep as he gets older. For more on bumperboy products see For more information on Sit Means Sit dog training see

Holly is a fun loving, one year old, pit bull lab mix. This video was shot yesterday at home and at our local dog park. At one point, Holly made friends with…

My Labrador Barks at her own reflection!

Emmie and Phoenix have a beautiful litter of big fat blocky stocky yellow Lab pups. They just turned 2 weeks old. They are starting to walk, bark, growl and …