Guinea Pig And Puppy Love
The pursuit of happiness is a goal that all humans share. Our goal here at One Smile At A Time is to contribute to that with a smile every day. Join us.
Our goal is to make everyone that visits this channel smile every day. Our much bigger goal is to make this channel the 2nd happiest place on earth (… since Disneyland will always be the happiest place on earth). But for that we need your help.
We here at One Smile At A Time support the open source community. All our work is done in Linux. The videos are created, edited and rendered with Kdenlive. The artwork is done with GIMP.
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A Golden Retriever goes sledding down a long hill. He can even throw his own sled and jump on it.
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Concursando con Aura de Can Botey por primera vez y sin entrenamiento previo, expuesta por Ivonne ♥ Can Botey Labradores Contacto…
Growingup Pups Guide is a series that explores the life and training of a guide dog for the Blind.