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This video shows you how to make your puppy go to sleep. The puppy in this video is a Black Labrador at 9 weeks of age. If you are tired of getting no sleep because your puppy will not stop whining and crying when you leave them alone, this video should help you! Please comment on my “how to make your puppy go to sleep” video and tell me what you think and if it worked for you! yt:stretch=16:9

We have a great selection of Lab puppies for sale. Visit our website at to view them and more!

After a long day romping in the grass and exploring everything – Chowder gave meaning to the old saying… “Dog Tired”

カメラを新しくしたので映像が綺麗になりました! The camera was made new. The image became beautiful. 他にも可愛い子犬や子猫の動画、楽しくて笑える柴犬動画があります。 是非見て下さい!There are …

learning how to go down the stairs.