Breed History • Grandfather color chocolate and Grandmother is White, both import from Canada. • Father and Mother color as showing PIC • Available puppies c…
1 year old Labrador Retrievers ‘Dooley’ and ‘Charger’ showing their steadyness to overhead bumpers shot. Whether training for field trials, hunt tests, hunting or just wanting a better dog, having a dog work well around distraction aids in training.
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Gourmet Chocolate Gifts, gOuRmEt ChoCoLaTe GiFtS Waterfowl Retriever Training at the Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel located on the western slope of Colorado. Ted Hoff owner and trainer of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel and the Cottonwood Hunt Club is training Mae the Black Labrador Retriever at the pond located on the ranch. Waterfowl retriever training.
Four Puppies Rescued From Attic of an Abandoned House