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This is a video slide presentation by Golden Lightning Labs… We are featuring our Polar Bear White Lab Puppies (Labrador Retrievers) by our Labrador Parents, Chandler’s Beautiful Bella and Golden Lightning’s White Flash. Enjoy this video of our beautiful lab babies, if you would like to get one, give us a call… 701 878-9000.

In this video, I have determined the basic caring tips for Pomsky puppies. When you think to buy a puppy, you should know basic caring tips. Puppies are so cute. You should give training for their better health.

Test images HD avec effet Velvet-matter. Encodage H264.

Labradors are the best family dog that you can have!

This is a video of our Lab’s C-Section / Caesarean Section. She had 10 puppies – 7 yellow and 3 black. They are AKC Champian Quailty. Whenever one of our lab…