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These puppies were abandoned by their human and now their back to haunt us all! And that white puppy looks mysteriously like a gremlin. Perhaps a Yorkie-Gremlin mix?

These 7 Yorkie-mix puppies were dropped off in a large gray tupperware in September at 2nd Chances Rescue in Norco by a woman. They were only several weeks old. The woman was likely overwhelmed by the amount of work it took to care for the young pups and decided to leave them instead. 2nd Chances Rescue took them in and all 7 are now happy and healthy.

The puppies were supervised during their entire play time.

Special thanks to 2nd Chances Rescue and foster mom Andrea for taking such good care of these adorable babies.

Please donate $5 to 2nd Chances Rescue:
Catch up with 2nd Chances Rescue socially:

Catch up with PAWsitive socially!

Director: Hai-Lam Phan
Producer: Dawn Poomee

Music: Provided by Premium Beats

PJ Masks Shopkins Hello Kitty Poo Crew Emoji Chocolate Surprise Eggs Opening

Présentation de notre Chula de l’élevage de labradors d’Ametchia en prévision de sa première portée de chiots labrador chocolat prévue pour le printemps 2010.
Diaporama de Cannelle de la Vallée de Villiers dite Chula, femelle labrador retriever chocolat L.O.F. Elle est née le 3 juillet 2007. Pour la rencontrer Chula vit dans les Landes et au Pays Basque. Photos prises à 8 semaines jusqu’à ses 2 ans l’été dernier 2009. D’autres info. sur

Doberman Pinscher Puppy in obedience training (Puppy is FOR SALE)