Silver Polydactyl Maine Coon Kitten Kneading
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Method can help you solve these common problems and much more…
Separation anxiety – crying or stressing when you’re out, chewing, barking
Chewing, mouthing, stealing – at any time, any place
Toileting in the wrong place
Selective hearing
Unpredictable or crazy behavior
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This is our Chesapeake Bay Retriever Packer. He LOVES water, running, ocean waves, you name it. Then there’s my husband, (who finally after 35 years of playing on junk) bought his dream banjo an RB-4. Put the two together, and it’s pure magic.
My husband said he loved in the Chorus, the forward then reverse roll. He only wished he’d have invented that!
les tout petits chiots aussi gazouillent!!