Rien a expliquer juste qu’elle me manque énormément & que je voudrais retourner quelques années en arrière pour profiter de ces moment inoubliables
Ivan’s Puppies has been breeding and training puppies for over 30 years. Our hard work has been paying off, as now we are proud to be breeding Bull Terrier litters with excellent quality, with little to no health problems and good temperaments.
BMW Guggenheim Lab Berlin, June 15 – July 29, 2012 (English)
In this video I show how I shoot marks by myself and have the dog return to a remote placeboard. There are many things that you can do with your Labrador Retriever if you can move him around remotely. The tools used in this video are a Retriev-r-trainer launcher, a placeboard and the Sit Means Sit remote dog training collar that can be found only at www.sitmeanssit.com