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Our chocolate Labrador Retriever puppy Roxy’s first time out in the snow. Filmed 10/29/11.

O9.21.2OO1 German Shepard-Lab Mix My cousin’s puppy Doobie.

After being gone for over six months overseas, my daddy’s girl of a puppy is finally reunited with her daddy. As far as people commenting on the credits at the end, it was a joke among friends,…

Harlee and Chance are proud parents of * ADORABLE Black Lab Puppies! Harlee (the proud Mom) is a Yellow Lab. and Chance (the proud Dad) is a Chocolate Lab. The puppies are for sale. We want them to go to loving and secure homes. Be sure you are ready for the responsibility. Thanks for viewing, we will be posting more videos as they grow.


The Silver Lotto System Review
