CF Radison, High Silver Premium Dutch Warmblood Colt
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iLab 4 of 7: Composition and Class Interfaces
The objective of the lab is to modify the Employee class to demonstrate composition where a containing class (Employee) contains another class (Benefit). An employee typically has benefits, so we will make the following changes:
Create a Benefit class.
Integrate the Benefit class into the Employee class.
Separate the files in the project into Presentation and Logic tier folders
STEP 1: Understand the UML Diagram
The only change to the Employee class is that there is a new attribute:
+benefit : Benefit
Notice that there is a “+” for this attribute, meaning that it is public. Make sure to examine the multi-arg constructor’s signature!
Also, the dotted directed line between Employee and iEmployee specifies that the Employee class must i
Truques básico do meu labrador preto ensinados por mim. Incível como esta raça aprende os truques em 2 ou 3 tentativas. My black lab / retriever basic tricks…