People With A Fear Of Dogs Meet Pit Bull Puppies
7 Chiots Golden Retrievers du ” D.V.A ” ….. En 7 Semaines !
We have arranged today different kid of picnic for our village kids. For picnic kids cooked and eat together but today we have cooked big size silver carp fish by that kids granny and all the kids just play around and fun together and after finish cooking they just sitting together and granny serve the food and they eat together with lot of more happiness cause they don’t need to do any work for their picnic.
It was about 6 KG big size silver carp fish and granny cutting the fish into small small pieces and then clean it using pure water.
The puppies are only 3 of 6. The mother was killed several days later. The puppies belong to my sister-in-law. She kept three and we took the other 3. And ha…