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Socialising from a young age is key ! #danes #canecorso #frenchbulldogs frenchi is the boss ! for more information visit on :

Dans la petite ville de Spring au Texas, des petits chiots prennent leur premier bain dans une piscine. Les 8 jeunes labradors vont sauter pour la première fois dans un bassin du “Rummy’s Beach Club”, un complexe de piscines exclusivement réservé aux chiens et à leur maître. Des sauts maladroits et une nage hésitante, les chiots ont l’air malgré tout d’apprécier leur première baignade. Les maîtres n’ont pas raté une miette de ce spectacle attendrissant.

River and Trout are two very goofy and fun loving Labrador Retriever brothers and alpine enthusiasts. They like to spend winter weekends at Sugarbush In Warren Vermont playing in the woods and body snurfing or body sledding/belly whopping in the snow.

Super Excited Puppy

The pursuit of happiness is a goal that all humans share. Our goal here at One Smile At A Time is to contribute to that with a smile every day. Join us.

Our goal is to make everyone that visits this channel smile every day. Our much bigger goal is to make this channel the 2nd happiest place on earth (… since Disneyland will always be the happiest place on earth). But for that we need your help.

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