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GOURMET CHOCOLATE GIFTS, GoUrMeT cHoCoLaTe GiFtS These Dogtra remote trainers are designed for all type of dogs including, hounds and beagles, obedience/companion dogs, waterfowl dogs, pointer dogs, flushing dogs, service and K-9 dogs,and much more. They are also perfect for anyone who needs a dependable long-range training collar to control a number of dogs in the field at once.

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To be fair, even humans have this much fun with doorstops. It`s so springy!

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Rare footage of a stunning moose has emerged from southern Sweden.

The creatures are rare and unique in Sweden with only an estimated 75-100 in the country, according to the filmer.

Despite being completely , the moose are not considered albino, but rather piebald.

The footage was shot in 2014.