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This is the start of the boil for what will be Home Brew Party’s recipe of the month for June 2013. It’s a recipe called Ten Till Eleven. Here is the extract…

Séance de vol le 17 mai 2014 avec l’Electro-Crystal de Michel Clavier Modélisme et les Cigognes blanches dans les Barthes de l’Adour.

Réalisation et montage OB pour Passions – Aéro. Les prises de vues ont été réalisées avec le Panasonic HDC-SD900, la GoPro HD Hero2 et la caméra Mobius ActionCam.

Plus d’infos ici :

PETA has obtained a disturbing video that was apparently filmed at Oklahoma City’s top-ranked Harding Charter Preparatory High School. The footage depicts heartless students wearing lab coats and playfully dancing with dead cats slated to be dissected in their biology class. The video of the choreographed display was posted on social media, and the students’ teacher was even tagged in the post.

Students learn faster and better by using non-animal methods such as interactive software programs, and with these modern tools, they don’t learn to treat or think of animals as equipment to be used and discarded.

Please speak up for cats by urging Harding Charter Preparatory School to investigate the circumstances of this video and switch to non-animal teaching methods:

Two remarkable animals struggling for survival.