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Cutest Lab Puppies in the World Play with Mom

Nuthatches will tuck food like nuts and seeds into tree bark or a crevice and then “hack” away at it with their pointy bill to extract the seed or nut. White-breasted Nuthatches and Red-breasted Nuthatches are common at bird feeders, which provides us a good opportunity to observe this behavior. Watch this one take a seed from the feeder, and tuck it away in the wooden deck rail.

Labradoodle puppy getting it on with our Chocolate Lab. SICK PUPPY!!!

Jacs Electric Star – Silver Slate Spring Slide

Date of Birth:2013/02/27
Size:Teacup Poodle
Estimate Weight:(adult) approximate 1.6kg-2
Dog conditions:
Sweet baby face and short snout
big eyes 100% cutie!

International ISO 11784 & ISO 11785
pet microchip for free