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Adorable Budweiser Commercial for Puppy Lovers ! Global Beer Responsible Day 2014 . Budweiser’s New Anti-Drinking & Driving Commercial Is Wonderful & Just Might Make You Cry…

This commercial featuring a dog and his best friend has a core message that everyone must see.

Budweiser has rolled out a #FriendsAreWaiting campaign that focuses on drinking responsibly.

“Make a plan to make it home. Your friends are counting on you,” a message in the video reads.

Advertiser: Budweiser
tag: beer buddy , friends are waiting , puppy love

Budweiser Commercial : #FriendsAreWaiting | Adorable Puppy Commercial HD – Global Beer Responsible Day 2014

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New Paramount 29″ 4-Tier Stainless Steel True Commercial Chocolate Fondue Fountain with Carrying Case Included – 11 Pound Capacity Review

This video is about Teaching Your Dog to Paw, Shake & Stand, (Maltese Poodle), Tutorial. We love our Maltese dog and he can run crazy around the house especially when bored. Jet is smart and picks up new tricks quickly, with repetition. A good time to get your dog’s attention is when he or she is alert. Jet is a Maltese Terrier and he is 7 years old at the time of this video. Please watch, Like and Subscribe to support this channel.Published on Feb 20, 2017 This video is about my Maltese Dog called Jet!
A good time to get your dog’s attention is when he or she is alert.
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NoCopyrightSounds is a record label dedicated to releasing FREE music for the sole purpose of providing creators with the finest sounds to enhance the creativity and popularity of their content, safe from any copyright claims or infringement.

• NCS Music is free to use for independent Creators and their UGC (User Generated Content) on YouTube & Twitch
Alan Walker – Spectre [NCS Release].mp3 is the piece of music used in the video. This is the link
My signature video ending music is Elektronomia – Sky High NCS Release.mp3 This is the link
The photos are taken from a website where all the photos are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.

This dog breed is well known for communicating through howls, and in this family this is learned from a very early age.