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Watch funniest golden retriever puppies and try not to laugh. Funny golden retriever dogs, funny golden retrievers, cute golden retriever vines, funniest golden retriever puppies, cute golden retrievers and many more videos in this video 2018.

The silver arowana is very attractive fish among the pet fish keepers due to its brilliant silver coloration and beautiful body shape. It has a place with the family Osteoglossidae under order Osteoglossiformes of Class Actinopterygii (=Osteichthyes). It was first discovered in 1829 by Cuvier and introduced into aquarium hobby in 1912.

Distribution and habitat
In nature it is found in Amazon River basin,Rupununi and Oyapock Rivers of South America. It is also found in waters of Guyana. It occurs in shallow water of swamps and flooded land. It generally prefers to swim near the water surface during feeding period.

Common names:
It has several common names such as monkey fish, dragon fish, two barbels bony tongue, water monkey, etc

Body shape and colors
Body is elongated with large upward mouth. It has silvery body color with very long dorsal and anal fins. The fin is pink in color. Caudal fin is small and rounded which is fused with both dorsal and anal fins. The tip of the lower jaw bears forked barbells which are used as a sensory organ during the water movement detection.

Size and life span:
It is hardy fish and it can grow up to 120 cm in length and 5 kg in weight. It can live up to 20 years if proper care is taken.

Quick facts:
Scientific Name: Osteoglossum bicirrhosum
Origin: Colombia, Peru
Grown-up Size: 120 cm
Minimum Tank Size: 250 gallons
Tank level: Middle to surface level of the tank
Water Temperature: 75-82° F
Water pH: 6.5-7.0
Water Hardness: 8-12 dGH
Behavior: Semi-aggressive
Breeding: Egg layer
Care Level: Moderate
Life span: 20 years or more

It is carnivorous fish and in wild condition, its food consists of crustaceans, aquatic insects and its larvae, small fishes that are found near the water surface. In captivity it accepts small fish, artemia, tadpole larva, eartworms. It also takes prawn/shrimps, mussels, fish flesh, pellets feeds, and other meaty foods. It should not be fed with chicken or beef hearts. Feed should be offered one time daily.

It is very hardy fish which requires at least 220 gallons tank or larger is recommended. The tank should have fine and soft gravel bottom with plenty of open space for swimming. The tank should also have good filtration system with sufficient water movement. In this case external filters, powerheads or airstones etc do well for keeping nitrogen low. To keep your tank environment healthy 20-25% water changes should be done on regular basis. This fish is excellent jumper and securely fitted lid is required to prevent jumping out of the aquarium.

Tank mates:
It is a community fish and 5 to 10 fish can be kept together. Suitable tank mates include large South American species, large Oscars, large Plecostomus, Catfish and Ornate Bichirs. It should not be kept with large pike cichlids to prevent any harassment from pike cichlids.

Silver arowana is an egg layer and generally it does not breed in captive condition. In wild condition, it breeds during the rainy season. During breeding, parents build circular nests on the muddy bottom of the water. The mature female lays 100-300 eggs each breeding season. The male arowana takes all the eggs in his mouth where it stays for 50-60 days. After hatching the fry become 60-75 mm in length. The fry should be fed with newly hatched brine shrimp and rotifers. During young stages proper care should be taken to keep your baby arowana healthy.

It is difficult to make difference between the male and female arowana. After maturity, the male body is generally rounded in shape than the female. The male also bears slightly short anal fin than the female.

Silver arowana is a very attractive and popular fish among the experienced fish keepers due to their beautiful and unique appearance. It is available in local fish store and online vendor at reasonable price. It is a very delicate fish and sometimes it is susceptible to itch or other diseases due to inappropriate maintenance of tank environment. To keep your fish happy, good water quality with proper diet should maintained. If you keep this fish in your aquarium, it will provide an extra mind satisfaction to any or all the members of your family.

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