The only thing cuter than a litter of puppies may be a little monkey going gaga over a bunch of newborn pups.
A video of a capuchin monkey after its introduced to a gaggle of black and white puppies that have yet to even open their eyes proves it.
Like any human pet lover, the monkey immediately goes in for a big hug. He then pets the pups just like a kid who’s just gotten his first dog.
Everyone seems to be talking about the Olympic Summer Games, but all the animals are excited about the Cute Games! Ultra Kawaii has coverage of all your favorite events happening this month! Get ready for the cutest animals playing the cutest games twice a week! Lets bounce into some cute videos of animals on trampolines! Thanks to all the cute puppies and funny cats in this video: ~*leelee*~, AntMcGoo, ClareJ7, bulleball1, charliediprose, bigtiggcats, gotbullies, djread6, NICkLeroche, midland2291, mjkmkk, highhooley, ugottac2believe.