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Dogs and Puppies (Animal Photo Books)

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Internet users in China were shocked last week by a disturbing photo of a man in Xiamen repeatedly launching a puppy football-style into the ocean.

According to eyewitnesses, when the puppy paddled back to shore, the man threw it back into the waves—a total of five times.

The man yelled at bystanders when they told him to leave the dog alone. The puppy eventually sought shelter on a nearby rock.

But the story has a happy ending. Two men rowed out to rescue the dog. And a young woman took the animal and said she would adopt it.

Outraged Chinese Internet users are now searching for the identity of the man.

Leo, 1 1/2 months old yellow lab puppy :) His first day with us. He was a bit shy and held back, barely barked once – no wonder, everyone was trying to get t…

Coyote Creek Retrievers yellow lab Sadie givin birth to black lab puppies. For more info on the pups visit our website at