Http:// Lab puppy play retrieving in the kitchen Shot with my I phone. Just a quick clip showing a return and delivery to training table/hand. Ju… (612) 333-3612 – We love our puppies, well all our dogs, and napping is definitely necessary but we can’t wait to play with them when they wake up!
If you live or work in Downtown Minneapolis, Golden Valley or St Louis Park areas, GIVE US A CALL we would love to take care of your dogs when you aren’t able to.
Downtown Dog daycare Minneapolis: Making Life Easier for the Busy Urban Dog Owner. Minneapolis dog daycare, puppies too. Plus dog grooming & webcams!
Dakota (Manual Included Dinky-di-Dutch) vient de donner naissance à cinq chiots kelpies. Trois mâles et deux femelles. Le père est Linc (Evallens Chocolate Ezzo).
Dakota (Manual Included Dinky-di-Dutch) has given birth to five kelpie pups. Three males and two females. The father is Linc (Evallens Chocolate Ezzo).
Julie et chopin (le poney pie bai)
Maxine et Secret (le poney pie alezan)
Axelle et Velvet (le poney noir)
Sara et Milo (le poney alezan)