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The animal cruelty described below is supported by Air France AS THEY ARE THE TRANSPORTERS OF MONKEYS FOR CRUEL LAB EXPERIMENTS. An undercover investigation by Animal Defenders International (ADI) has filmed horrific treatment of monkeys at Biodia, a Mauritian monkey factory farm that supplies U.S. laboratories and whose monkeys could soon be behind bars in a new breeding farm in Florida. ADI’s investigation has revealed that Biodia’s U.S. trading partner Prelabs has plans to “establish the first Mauritius breeding colony in the U.S.” in Labelle, Florida. STOP THIS LAB. NOTE: EBOLA IS SPREADING IN AFRICA AND OFFICIAL WARNINGS NOT TO EAT BUSHMEAT (MONKEY MEAT) have been issued. Ebola virus, for which there is no cure, can be spread by bodily fluids. So, could runoff from the proposed facility, spread Ebola if one of the monkeys is infected? 
Findings include:
· Workers ABUSING screaming monkeys 
· Monkeys injected in the eyelids for TB tests

This is the Hole in the Wall Gang, aka The Wild Bunch. These eleven pups were born 4-15-12 and will be ready to go home with their new families on June 10. T…

Les bébés golden retriever de Fancy et Blue à 8 semaines.

Cute and cuddly chihuahua puppies and dog cubs