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We are a small hobby breeder located in Southern Ohio. We specialize in Silver, Charcoal and Champagne Labradors. AKC. Silver Factor Blacks, Yellow and Choco…

I know all cats and dogs are smart. The main purpose of sharing this video is not to show how smart Kido is, but to share my joy of knowing that Kido was wil…

Littlest two week old puppy
#Littlest, #Two, #Week, #Old, #Puppy, #littlesttwoweekoldpuppy, #:dog, #Thelittlestpuppygrowsup, #1954, #Frith, #Films, #Grows, #Up, #Young, #Raising, #Raise, #Feed, #Care, #Train, #Eyes, #Open, #Smell, #Milk, #Nursing, #Shots, #Turtle, #Bath, #Domesticated,

THESE THINGS I’LL BE UNTIL I DIE… starring Butternut Golden Retrievers