voial c’était juste un test de vidéo ac mon chat ayant bouffé du chocolat lol
des mieux a venir
Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
* Family: Felidae,
* Species: P. tigris,
* Subspecies:P. t. tigris,
* Found: Bangladesh,India,
* Type: Mammal,
* Diet: Carnivore,
* Average lifespan in the wild: 8 to 10 years,
* Size: Head and body, 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m); Tail, 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 0.9 m),
* Weight: 240 to 600 lbs (109 to 260 kg),
** The white tiger is a pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, which is reported in the wild from time to time in the Indian states of Assam, West Bengal and Bihar in the Sunderbans region and especially in the former State of Rewa. Such a tiger has the black stripes typical of the Bengal tiger, but carries a white or near-white coat.
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_tiger