Zombies Invade Super Mario World http://goo.gl/VfLmU7
Got Your Back T-Shirt http://goo.gl/y8Q2rI
Trust Me Im An Photographer Hoodie http://goo.gl/3Oo1kZ
I Hug Pugs http://goo.gl/gpGA2w
Im In The Nights Watch http://goo.gl/fsX08w
Chocolate Labrador Retriever, Dakota, decides that going “au natural” is a lot better then going to an expensive spa as she takes a hilarious dip at a dog park mud pool puddle. Check out more…
Rocky is my two year old Lab. and Suzy is a one year old Chihuahua. They’re best friends. Its amazing how such a big and little dog can love each other so mu…
Ted (Yellow Lab) graduated from the dog training boot camp at Neuman K-9 Academy. This program included obedience commands to sit, stay, heel or walk on a lo…
Our dogs have been pretty good at coming inside when they feel cold, the Lab comes to the door much sooner than the Husky (I had to coax him inside eventuall…