Tacoma’s puppies are running with Trinity’s puppies. The pups are 6 1/2 weeks old. They are doing great with their potty training and doggy door training. It…
Born 29 June 2013 Mother is Sophie, a registered Yellow Field&Trial Labrador Retriever, 6 years old Father is a 4 year old Yellow Labrador Retriever.
beautiful blue eyed catahoula leopard dog/lab mix puppies need good loving homes call 815-232-7598.
Six week old Labrador service dog puppies play in Canine Partners for Life’s first annual Puppy Bowl. CPL Service Dog Forest is the referee.
Thirteen lab puppies feeding. Labrador mix. Here are more videos of the pups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf_41eROwp8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq045JzFYxs …