Aasim Saied’s life hasn’t always been all about the dogs. He attended the University of Connecticut where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree. Shortly after graduation, Aasim Saied moved to New York City and landed an entry level job in Advertising. He worked his way up the corporate ladder and before he left to be an advocate for homeless pets, he was the Creative Director at a major Madison Avenue Ad Agency.
Tips en trucs om puppies gezond en gelukkig op te voeden van een ervaren hondentrainer.
Voor meer info : www.puppiesopvoeden.info
Puppies Jomo-Tara from Heaven’s Earth & Drong-lamleh Wamil Ajendra ‘ weeks old.
Friggy is fascinated by the pups and spends a lot of time watching them. He doesn’t really know what “little” means and he can hardly wait to play with them (a bit bigger and when they can run!)!
They are lovely and very playful when they aren’t sleeping! A real pleasure.