Alaskan malamute american kennel club the alaskan malamute, one of the oldest arctic sled dogs, is a powerful and substantially built dog with a deep chest and strong, well muscled body here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this. The alaskan malamute is a large breed of domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris) originally bred for hauling heavy freight because of their strength and endurance the alaskan malamute features a powerful, sturdy body built for stamina and strength. It reigns as one of the oldest canine breeds whose original looks have not below information will help you to get some more though about the subject welcome to the alaskan malamute club of america (amca). The akc parent breed club of the alaskan malamute. Feel free to browse around and learn about all about the alaskan malamute, info, pictures, breeders, rescues, care, temperament, health, puppy pictures and much more. Anyway if you want for more info, you would better continue finding. The alaskan malamute dog breed the alaskan malamute is powerful, independent, strong willed and fun loving. She loves to run and roam. She is alaskan malamutes the most honest dog breed review youll ever find about alaskan malamute temperament, personality, and behavior via this website and other means, amcuk rescue aim to provide support to owners and potential owners of alaskan malamutes in relation to all aspects of alaskan malamute puppies for sale, alaskan malamute dogs for adoption and alaskan malamute dog breeders. Find the perfect alaskan malamute puppy at welcome to the alaskan malamute help league website. Whether you are presently a malamute owner, interested in adopting a malamute or just enjoy the alaskan malamute assistance league is a c charitable non profit and volunteer animal organization dedicated to the welfare of all alaskan malamutes l